Watch TJAA’s 10th Anniversary Retrospective! 10 years of pictures: events, exhibitions, members, artwork, music and dance!

Dance, Events, Members, Music, Visual Arts  •  July 10, 2024

TJAA 10 Year Video Retrospective

TJAA Retrospective

Watch TJAA’s 10th Anniversary Retrospective! 10 years of pictures: events, exhibitions, members, artwork, music and dance!

July 10, 2024

TJAA 10 Year Video Retrospective

TJAA Retrospective

TJAA Member Stephen Potter Sculpture “We Are Family”

July 11, 2024

Stephen Potter

TJAA Member Stephen Potter Sculpture

TJAA Member Alexandra Light, Dance Choreographer – Midsummer News Update

July 7, 2024

Alexandra Light

TJAA Member Alexandra Light

An Interview with TJAA Member Jordan Taub.

June 27, 2024

TJAA Member Jordan Taub

TJAA Member Jordan Taub

​A juried exhibition based on the Hebrew letter Yud – The number 10 in celebration of Texas Jewish Arts Association’s 10th anniversary! 2D and 3D art submissions are accepted: Painting, drawing, photography, mixed media, and sculptural work accepted.

April 23, 2024

10th Anniversary Juried Exhibition & Reception

Saddle up to the sound of shalom with Joe Buchanan! Join us for an evening of feel-good, toe-tapping, cup-raising Jewish country music!

April 16, 2024

Sound of Shalom with Joe Buchanan in Concert

TJAA welcomes all musicians and music enthusiasts for a unique experience based on traditional Jewish music and beliefs. If you are not Jewish, you are most welcome! Learn and draw new inspiration to give breath to new music creations. 

April 10, 2024

Song Writers’ Workshop with Joe Buchanan

What issues are you facing as an older artist? Join your fellow artists as we talk through some of the issues that we face at this stage of our lives and careers.

February 15, 2024

Older Artist Creative Zoom Gathering

The Zoom presentation will include a fascinating overview of stained glass and fusible glass techniques. Jordan will explain tools and processes.

January 4, 2024

Jordan Taub Glass Art Studio Tour

Open to members, as well as our community to learn more about arts education and practice.

community education

Perfect for our members to exhibit their artwork, performances, or other mediums of expression.

exhibitions & showcases

We invite you to join us for our upcoming exhibitions and community events! A majority of our events are specifically for our members, but occasionally we'll have dates open to the public to join us to learn more about our work in the community. Join us for opportunities that get your creative juices flowing!

Join Us For Our Community Events

our events calendar

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