Sukkah Competition Winner: Dwell in Design 2018 – REFLEXES

Events, Exhibition  •   August 17, 2018



Living immerse in a vain, self-centered and fast paced world, hinders our ability to look around us and be able to make a valid introspection and to think about the impact either positive or negative that we create on nature and people around us.

This project aims to be a mind opener and provides different perspectives to the observer who stands in front of the Sukkah, which is covered by a set of mirrors arranged in a way that allow the observer to look at reflections from different realities.

Sky’s reflection appeals to think about Divine Providence and everything that comes from the Lord, such as the pillar of cloud that led the Jewish people in the desert (Exodus 13: 21-22). Neighbor’s  reflection shows that despite gender, race, nationality, beliefs and religious practices we are all equal and a God’s reflection since we all were created in the
image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). Children’s reflection invites us to think about them and how at times they are not given a voice to speak about their feelings and to stand for their rights. Reflection of those who migrate looking for a better future, reflection of homeless and people in need who many times due to indifference are not looked at.

Now that we are conscious about some of many realities that happen every day in our world, it is time to look for an inner transformation. Inside the Sukkah amidst a friendly ambience we are invited to share, to introspect and to open our thinking in order to start a paradigm shift of social responsibility having a positive effect in our society.

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