Sukkah Competition Entrant: Dwell in Design 2018 – THE TREE OF LIFE

Events, Exhibition  •   August 16, 2018



“Tectonic Graffiti” or the built sketch is a technical adaptation of how structure interacts in the natural world; in unison with the surroundings in lieu of being antagonistic. When I first developed this concept, I embraced this philosophy and knew that it would have to be fully integrated into my artistic life.

​​For the sukkah design, the concept of tectonic graffiti could be perfectly integrated. By using materials in the rawest form possible, we allow it to react to its natural environment, transient in its journey. Possessing a structural thinness, that bends but doesn’t break and ages with the seasons. Like a tree letting the brightness of the sunlight in through its leaves to leave a dapple pattern on the ground, it allows a flow through the structure that is all at once protective from the elements but restorative in its ability to recover from a hard rain. A design that replicates a plant in bloom, it serves as a symbol of hope for a better tomorrow. Intertwined branches act as hands for a place of rest and peace from the journey. Noting that while humans’ structures may crumble, what we seek is timeless.

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